When Screening for Prostate Cancer Comes Too Late

Dr. Ohori

When Screening for Prostate Cancer Comes Too Late
a blue and white sign sitting in front of a building

When Screening for Prostate Cancer Comes Too Late

Wnen Sceeening for prostate cancer comes too late, late-stage diagnosis have risen and a decline in d…

Author. Dr. Ohori

white and red plastic tools


PSA(prostate specific antigen、前立腺特異抗原)は採血してわかる腫瘍マーカーの中でも優れたマーカーの一つです。前立腺の疾患でしか上昇しませんのでわかりやすい(他の悪性腫瘍であがることはない)…

Author. Dr. Ohori